Digital Ecosystem Model

This module explains the notion of digital ecosystems and the approach taken by PERICLES to model them and use them to support change management. The EcoBuilder tool is a core part of the module.


Intended target audiences
  • Professionals and prospective professionals in the field of data curation, repository management and digital preservation.
  • Researchers exploring solutions for data management and digital preservation
  • Teachers/trainers in this field
  • Solution providers for organisations in demand of solutions for data / repository management and digital preservation
Expected learning outcomes for the whole Module
  • Understand the notion of a digital ecosystem
  • Understand the motivation behind modelling the ecosystem
  • Understand the relation of data management and preservation to modelling the ecosystem
  • Understand how the EcoBuilder works and what potential it has
Level of advancement/ prerequisites An solid familiarity with challenges of data curation or digital preservation. 
Chronological order of sub-modules The ppt presentation (available as slideshow for adaptation and as video with voiceover) gives an introduction to the ecosystem model, while the second part (a screencast) explains how the EcoBuilder works, hence going through each in their consecutive order makes most sense.
Relationship with other Modules (if applicable) This modules ties in with the sheer curation module, the ontology engineering and linked data module.