Information encapsulation

This section explores different techniques of encapsulating extracted information, e.g. SEI captured by the PET (discussed in the previous sub-module). With the increasing amount of metadata on digital objects, it is pertinent to understand which techniques serve best the user needs. The PeriCAT is a framework that guides the user to the optimal algorithm for encapsulation within their scenario of sometimes conflicting usage requirements.

For full information on the PeriCAT and the download of the tool, please go to


Expected learning outcome     Understanding the different techniques of information encapsulation and which user requirements they support
Level of advancement  Basic acquaintance with metadata management and superficial knowledge the basic software and schema used. The last presentation (7) is for advanced learners, with skills in programming. This element contains a quick user guide and some developer’s background information
Elements in this Part
  1. Introduction to information encapsulation (text)
  2. Information packaging techniques
  3. Information embedding techniques
  4. Decapsulation and restoration
  5. Choice of information encapsulation technique
  6. Example of information encapsulation framework: the PeriCAT tool
  7. An information encapsulation framework
  8. Supplementary readings
Chronological order  yes, though not all elements are needed to follow the PeriCAT demonstration. To better understand the demo, it is advisable to have read the introduction at least.
Estimated time required for completion of the Part  5 min for the introduction and 10-15 min per presentation.